Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Coming home soon...

Our time is wrapping up here in Chile, and frankly I´m ready to come home. It has been a tough trip on me physically as I find myself once again sick and stuck in the hotel. Today would have been the day to travel to the coast to see the ocean but I woke up very weak and not feeling up to it.

I certainly have a new appreciation for all the missionaries we had the opportunity to serve last week! It feels somewhat clausterphobic to be in a country where I don´t know the language and am feeling ill. I can´t even begin to imagine living in one of these countries dealing with some of the extremely desperate situations that I heard over and over again last week.

On the bright side though, God is extremely good. He gave me such peace in the beginning of this trip that I am right where He wants me to be. There was such a hunger for worship here and it made it such a joy to have the opportunity to serve all the women here. It makes it all worthwhile... yes, even being sick through it all. When you are where the Lord wants you, problems seem to pale in the big picture.

So prayers today? Please pray that I´m well for our journey home tomorrow. We fly out of Santiago at 10pm on Wednesday evening and I´ll be home bright and early on Thursday morning. Also keep the rest of our team in prayer. Many have recovered from the food poisoning we think they had, but most of us are not in top physical shape at the moment.

Thanks much for all your prayers and support for me on this journey. Blessings!

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